Sunday, August 18, 2024

Jesus Speaks

Follow Along This Sunday


Hymn #757
Hymn #69
Hymn #761
Hymn #301
Hymn #549

Sermon Notes

By Rev. AJ Ochart

Joshua 5:10-12; John 6:32-35

This week’s service will be at 2 PM, rather than the normal 10:30 AM. The service will be followed by a reception in the Fellowship Hall.


This week will be the installation service for the Rev. AJ Ochart, and will be led by an ‘Installation Commission’ made up of representatives from Foothills Presbytery. Since AJ has a history in this Presbytery, the Commission is made up of friends and colleagues from his time here. The sermon will be preached by the Rev. Debbie Foster, Stated Clerk of Foothills Presbytery. The Commission also includes our own Dana Tate (Clerk and Chair of the Pastor Nominating Committee), The Rev. Patricia Gwinn (current Moderator of the Presbytery), The Rev. Craig Foster (minister at First, Simpsonville), Theresa Horton (from AJ’s first church, Trinity), Jeff Motes (Ruling Elder from Faith Presbyterian, where AJ also served), and Ed Yokley (a Ruling Elder that served on AJ’s Committee at the 225th General Assembly).

In Baptism each Christian is called to ministry in Christ’s name. God calls some persons from the midst of congregations to fulfill particular functions, so that the ministry of the whole people of God may flourish. In ordination the church sets apart with prayer and the laying on of hands those who have been called by God through the voice of the church to serve as deacons, ruling elders, and ministers of Word and Sacrament. In Installation, the church sets in place with prayer those who have previously been ordained and are now called anew to service in that ministry.

Music Notes

By Kenneth Jones


Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Introit: Pulling from our Call to Worship again, “there is one body and one spirit”; I chose verse 3, which serves as a reminder that, as AJ is installed, we are also called to work alongside him to do the work of the church: “We will work with each other, we will work side by side”.

Opening Hymn: The hymns selections for this special service were selected by AJ, and of course are centered around calling and discipleship. The text of the opening hymn, “Today We Are Called to Be Disciples”, written by a retired Presbyterian minister, places stewardship in the context of faithful witness.

Transition Hymn: This week, for our transition hymn, we sing the first verse of one of the most popular hymns about calling, “I, the Lord of Sea and Sky”.

Responsive Hymn: A celebration of mutuality and inclusion, and a challenge to the Christian community to live out a ministry of reconciliaton and inclusion; “Called as Partner’s in Christ’s Service”.

Sending Hymn: One of my favorite newer hymns, we sang “Let Us Build a House” on AJ’s first Sunday with us. As we sing it, let it be a recommitment to the joint work we are called to do together with AJ as a worshipping community.

Benediction: We close with “May the Love of the Lord”.