Sunday, December 3, 2023

The Gospel of Peace

Follow Along This Sunday


Hymn #82
Hymn #85
Hymn #508
Communion Liturgy
Hymn #86
Hymn #92

Sermon Notes

By Jeff Gilstrap

Isaiah 9:6, Matthew 5:9

We affirm that peacemaking is essential to our faith in God’s reconciling work in Jesus Christ, whose love and justice challenges evil and hatred, and who calls the church to present alternatives to violence.


Peacemaking is at the core of our faith. The centrality of peace is a distinctive Biblical feature of Christian fidelity. The idea of peace is a theme that runs throughout the entire Biblical story. God’s goal of peace comes alive in the life and ministry of Jesus. He is the Prince of Peace. Jesus came as the Prince of Peace to establish a peaceable Kingdom and a new way of life, a new world, a new Kingdom he called the Kingdom of God where he would be our new King. Jesus’ absolute point of his teaching was to work for the reconciling of human relationships; to give and receive forgiveness; to work for justice, equality, righteousness, compassion for the marginalized, and be a witness to a world without violence. Jesus called his followers to offer an alternative to violence and by doing so, we bring God’s Kingdom to bear on earth as it is in heaven. God’s kingdom can never exist on this earth if there is violence and evil. So as people of faith, peacemaking is essential to our role in God’s reconciling work in Jesus Christ, whose love and justice challenged evil and hatred, and who calls the church to present an alternative to violence.

  1. Jesus is called the Prince of Peace. How do you witness in scripture living out this title?
  2. Jesus calls us to be peacemakers. What does the act of peacemaking look like to you?
  3. How would you define peace in your life and in the world?

Music Notes

By Kenneth Jones


First Sunday of Advent, the beginning of the liturgical calendar, a season of expectant waiting and preparation for the Nativity of Christ.

Introit: For the four Sundys of Advent, the choir will sing a verse of “Creator of the Stars of Night”. The original Latin text is from the 9th century.  From verse one, “O Christ, Redeemer of us all, we pray you hear us when we call.”

Opening Hymn: A hymn of entreaty and invitation characterizing the Advent season; “Come, Thou Long Expected Jesus:”.

Candle Lighting Response: A hymn that underscores the ‘waiting’ of the Advent Season. We will sing one verse each week; verse one this week for the Advent Candle of Hope.

Special Music: The Chancel Choir will offer the first preview of our Christmas program; “Every Valley”, by Victor C. Johnson.

Communion Hymn: One more time, our preparation hymn for 2023, “Come to the Table”.

Sending Hymn: Our sending hymn is an adaptation of the scripture in Isaiah, with the refrain taken directly from Isaiah 9:6; “His Name is Wonderful, Counselor, Almighty God, Father forever, Prince of Peace.

Benediction: Again, for the four Sundays of Advent, will sing verses from “While We Are Waiting, Come”, starting, of course, with verse one. The simple text, with it’s repitition of the word “come”, reinforces the anticipation of the season.