Sunday, July 21, 2024


Follow Along This Sunday


Hymn #729
Hymn #839
Hymn #490
Hymn #175
Hymn #549

Sermon Notes

By Rev. AJ Ochart

Matthew 5:6; Jeremiah 22:1-12

The first set of ‘beatitudes’ was all about resetting the expectations of the kindom of God: that the poor in spirit, grievers, and meek are not to be pitied but prized. In the second set, Jesus begins to cast an image of what kind of people God is forming. He begins with those who “hunger and thirst for righteousness.” Righteousness (in Hebrew, Tsedeqah) is a vitally important concept throughout the Hebrew Scriptures. Those who were a part of the institution of the Jerusalem Temple tended to define righteousness as adherents to the sacrificial system. However, the more general meaning of Righteousness is more like ‘right relationship,’ specifically with God, and by extension other people and creation itself. This is why, especially for the Hebrew prophets, this concept of righteousness was closely connected to ‘Justice’ (in Hebrew, Mishpat). The blessed ones in the kindom of God are those who yearn for righteousness like they hunger for food or thirst for water.

Questions for Reflection:
  • What do you think of when you hear ‘Righteousness’?
  • What is your definition of ‘Justice’?
  • In what part of your life are you most hungry for these things?

Music Notes

By Kenneth Jones


Ninth Sunday after Pentecost

Introit: The text of our Introit draws on numerous scriptural images of Wisdom. The third verse, which connects with the them of ‘righteousness’ closes with “when the word takes root and ripens, peace and righteousness embrace.”

Opening Hymn: Thinking about AJ’s description of righteousness as ‘right relationship’, I started to ponder the verse as ‘hungry for a right relationship’ which which eventually brought to mind our opening hymn, “Lord, I Want to be a Christian” … to be more loving, to be more holy, to be like Jesus.

Transition Hymn: For the month of July, “Blessed Assurance”.

Special Music: Jimmy Boyter and I will be singing and arrangement of “His Eye Is on the Sparrow”, arranged by Russell Mauldin.

Responsive Hymn: We will be celebrating a remembrance of Baptism; “Wash, O God, Our Sons and Daughters” will serve as our hymn of preparation.

Sending Hymn: The other hymn that developed from thinking about being hungry for a right relationship, “Seek Ye First”.

Benediction: For the month of July, “May the Love of the Lord”.