Sunday, June 11, 2023

Healing Our Pain

Follow Along This Sunday


Hymn #795
Hymn #508
Communion Liturgy
Hymn #793
Hymn #295

Sermon Notes

By Kenneth Jones

Matthew 9:20-23

The scripture this week is the story of the ill woman, in the crowd, who comes up behind Jesus to touch his cloak and be healed.


Not to worry, I am not delivering the sermon this week. Jeff is still on vacation with his family, so we’re giving him the week off from preparing the Sermon Notes. As he finishes up, we hope he has had a joyful time, gotten some rest and relaxation, and pray for safe travels back to be with us on Sunday.

Music Notes

By Kenneth Jones


Introit: The choir opens with “Lord, Jesus Think on Me”, one of the oldest texts in our hymnal, the orginal Greek dating from the 5th century.- With the focus of the theme on “healing”, I have selected the second verse, “In all my pain and misery, be thou my health and life.”

Opening Hymn: We open congregational singing with a sung prayer that focuses on healing, but not just of the physical sort. The refrain of “Healer of Our Every Ill”, sung at the beginning and the end, says “Healer of our every ill, light of our tomorrow, give us peace beyond our fear and hope beyond our sorrow.”

Special Music: Beverly Burry and Ann Paschall will sing their favorite hymn to do together, “In the Garden”

Communion Hymn: Our communion hymn for the year, “Come to the Table”

Sending Hymn: “O Christ, the Healer” is another sung prayer, asking for wholeness of body, mind, and spirit, both on the individual and corporate levels.

Benediction: We sing the first verse of  “Go to the World!” again, which serves as a reminder of our charge as we leave worship. We will sing the remaining verses during the remaining Sundays of June.