Sunday, June 30, 2024


Follow Along This Sunday


Hymn #100
Hymn #628
Hymn #79
Hymn #749
Hymn #539

Sermon Notes

By Rev. AJ Ochart

Matthew 5:3; Genesis 16:1-16

Who is powerless in this world? In the first of the nine ‘beatitudes’ from the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus says that the “poor in spirit” are blessed, fortunate, living the good life. This phrase, rooted in Hebrew language, means literally to be impoverished in their ruach (life, breath, spirit, vitality). While the Western interpretation for this phrase is often spiritualized (poor in spiritual life), the phrase also has economic and political overtones. This ‘preferential option for the poor’ (as our siblings in the Liberation Theology tradition put it) is visible throughout our Scriptures, including the story of Hagar. This week we consider how those who are powerless, poor in spirit, impoverished in vitality, are to be viewed as those who inherit the kin-dom of the skies. 

Music Notes

By Kenneth Jones


Sixth Sunday after Pentecost

Introit: “O God, We Bear the Imprint”; when we distance ourselves from ‘others’, we are failing to the honor their God-likeness and the image of Christ in them.

Opening Hymn: The scripture from Luke 1, traditionally known as the Magnificat, is the source material for our Assurance of Pardon, and is paraphrased in our opening hymn, “My Soul Cries Out with a Joyful Shout”

Transition Hymn: For one last Sunday in June, we will sing the first verse of  “Praise, I Will Praise You Lord” as our Transition Hymn.

Special Music: I will be singing on the “Scripture Lullabies” (words and music by Jay Stocker) titled “Beatitudes”.

Responsive Hymn: A hymn of justice, “Light Dawns on a Weary World”, which speaks, in a way, of the world if the ‘Beatitudes’ were manifested here on Earth; “Light dawns on a weary world, when eyes begin to see all people’s dignity”.

Sending Hymn: “Come! Live in the Light” is centered on the call of all believers, based on the well-known challenge of Micah 6:8: “What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God.”

Benediction: Closing out one more tine with “We Will Go Out with Joy”.