Sunday, June 4, 2023

The Great Commision - Our Playbook

Follow Along This Sunday


Hymn #3
Hymn #1
Hymn #296
Hymn #757
Hymn #295

Sermon Notes

By Becky Covington

Matthew 28:16-20

Wouldn’t it be great, if we all had God’s playbook of our lives?  If we could simply know what to do, what the plan is, what choices to make, seems like that would help us immensely.  Especially, the what to do part.  Certainly, we all want to do the right thing.  More often then not, we focus our attention on stressing, worrying, controlling, working harder and harder.  If we could just see the playbook.

In God’s timing, with the humor that seems to exist in truth: The Playbook is readily available to us.


Reflecting back on life, in the 3 Plays of the playbook, how can you see where God really had worked it all out?

What are some specific ways you can integrate these 3 plays into your daily life?

What is one step you can take right now to be the change you pray to see?

Music Notes

By Kenneth Jones


Introit: This is the Sunday in the liturgical year we celebrate Trinity Sunday. The vestments are white one last time, in recognition of the Holy Trinity, before we switch back to green. The choir’s Introit is “Womb of Life and Source of Being”, a combination of old and new metaphors to express faith in and praise to the Holy Trinity. We sing verse 4, “we praise your name forwever, one-in-three and three-in-one.”

Opening Hymn: We open congregational singing with the quintessential choice for celebrating the Triune God, “Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Alimghty”

Special Music: The Great Commission charges us with being a witness to God’s love. The special music (Words and Music by Pete Carlson and Amy Roth, Arr. by Kyle Hill), sung by Kellen Jones, asks the question, “Do They See Jesus in Me?”

Responsive Hymn: As a response, we sing a text based on the Great Commission that emphasises that the gospel message is a gift of life and hope made know in healing, justice, and peace.

Sending Hymn: Another hymn about our call as disciples, framing stewardship in the context of faithful witness: “Today We Are Called to Be Disciples”

Benediction: We sing the first verse of  “Go to the World!” again, which serves as a reminder of our charge as we leave worship. We will sing the remaining verses during the remaining Sundays of June.