Sunday, June 9, 2024

David Is Annointed King of Israel

Follow Along This Sunday


Hymn #612
Hymn #628
Hymn #761
Hymn #697
Hymn #295

Sermon Notes

By Rev. John W. Kleopfer, Ph.D.

Mark 1:16-20; I Samuel 16:1-13
Pulpit Supply:

Our guest minister this week is Rev. John W. Kloepfer, Ph.D. John and his wife Linda have been attending St. Andrews for a while now. John was raised a Quaker in New Orleans, but as an ordained Presbyterian pastor since 1976, has served churches in the Catskills, in Pittsburgh, in Upstate NY, and on Long Island. In 1990 he received his Ph.D. in Christian Spirituality from Duquesne University, where he taught in their Spirituality program for ten years. He retired in 2019, and in 2021 his wife, Linda, also retired from her 40-year position as Director of Music of the Westhampton Presbyterian Church. They moved here that year to be near two of their many grandchildren. John loves to play golf as well as read and visit his grandchildren and great-grandchildren.


Next Sunday, the new pastor God and your congregation have recently called to serve at St. Andrews will be preaching here for the first time. But Rev. Ochart is not the only one who has been called at St. Andrews. Each of you is also being called by God. Scripture contains many instances of God calling men and women to faith and action. One of the most dramatic of these is when God calls the powerful prophet and Judge, Samuel, to anoint David King of Israel, in spite of Israel already having a king, Saul, whom Samuel anointed and loves. I will be using an imaginative and poetic rendering of this “call” to remind us we are all called by God. In preparation, please read I Samuel 16:1-13.

Music Notes

By Kenneth Jones


Third Sunday after Pentecost

Introit: “From the Nets of Our Labors” evokes the call of the disciples who were fishermen, and also describers the circumstances of our lives and individual call to follow Jesus.

Opening Hymn: The text of “We Praise You, O God”, was requested by the organist of Brick Presbyterian Church as an alternative Thanksgiving hymn to use with the tune, because he regarded the usual text (also in our hymnal) as too full of conflict.

Transition Hymn: For the month of June, we will sing the first verse of  “Praise, I Will Praise You Lord” as our Transition Hymn.

Special Music: Rev. Kloepfer’s wife, Linda Howard Kloepfer will accompany her daughter, Siri Howard, who will be singing “The Call”, bu Ralph Vaughan-Williams.

Responsive Hymn: “Called as Partners in Christ’s Service” is both a celebration of mutuality and diversity as well as a challenge to live out a ministry of justice and inclusion.

Sending Hymn: Well known hymn of consecration and dedication, “Take My Life”.

Benediction: Singing through the verses of “Go to the World!”; this week verse four.