Sunday, March 3, 2024

God's Love

Follow Along This Sunday


Hymn #5
Hymn #626
Hymn #537
Communion Liturgy
Hymn #209
Love Will Be Our Lenten Calling

Sermon Notes

By Rev. Preston Shealy

Exodus 20:1-17; John 2:13-22

Join us Sunday as we continue our journey through Lent…worshipping God and celebrating the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. Our scriptures (Exodus 20:1-17 and John 2:13-22) will guide us as we look at God’s call to us and the role God’s commandments should play in our lives, especially in light of  Jesus’ cleansing of the temple – the worship space in the time of Jesus.

Music Notes

By Kenneth Jones


Third Sunday of Lent:

Introit: We sing a hymn based on Psalm 19, as is our Call to Worship, verse 1 of “Your Law, O Lord, Is Perfect”.

Opening Hymn: The verses of “God the Sculptor of the Mountains” each describe how our human condition need’s God’s help. The final verse contains a reference to our scripture from John 2.

Transition Hymn: Our transition hymn for the month of March will be “As the Deer”.

Special Music: “And Can It Be?” arranged by Susan Naylor Callaway.

Communion Hymn: “When at This Table”

Sending Hymn: A hymn selection for Lent, “Our Song is Love Unknown”.

Benediction: Verse two of  “Love Will Be Our Lenten Journey” sung to the PICARDY tune (“Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence”)