Sunday, May 28, 2023

Being Family

Follow Along This Sunday


Hymn #285
Hymn #290
Hymn #292
Hymn #295
Hymn #301

Pastor Notes

By Jeff Gilstrap

Acts 2:1-21

Being Family


It’s Pentecost!

Jeff’s out of town this week so it’s a no brainer…We will focus on the story of Pentecost from the Book of Acts. I’ve heard this story many, many times yet each time I hear about the “mighty rushing wind” and the “tongues of fire” I see things in a new and different way.

Pentecost is a Christian holiday which takes place on the 50th day after Easter Sunday. It commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles and other followers of Jesus Christ while they were in Jerusalem celebrating the Feast of Weeks.

The main sign of Pentecost in many western churches is the color red. It symbolizes joy and the fire of the Holy Spirit.  This is the only day of the church year that the liturgical color is red, and we always ask the congregation to wear red to church to join in the celebration!

So, wear your red and come join the family to worship the One that creates, redeems and sustains us!

I look forward to seeing all of you on Sunday!

Dana Tate

Music Notes

By Kenneth Jones


Introit: “Like the Murmur of a Dove’s Song” – a text on the Holy Spirit, each verse ending with “Come, Holy Spirit, Come.” Verse 2 focuses on to whom the Holy Spirit comes.

Opening Hymn: Another Pentecost focused hymn, the first two verses of “O Day of Joy and Wonder!” focus on the coming of the Holy Spirit and the strength provided to the early church. The third verse becomes a corporate prayer to receive the same strength and sense of the spirit.

Special Music: The Great Commission is mentioned by Paul shortly before our scripture reading in Chapter 1, and it is the coming of the Holy Spirit that was necessary for the disciples to be able to carry it out, and in fact we see in our scripture reading the Holy Spirit working to that end. “Great Commission” is another of the Scripture Lullabies written by Jay Stocker; sung by Kenneth Jones.

Responsive Hymn: To respond to our theme of being family, we sing “Let Us Build a House”, written as building dedication, but really more about the things like love, hope, and nurture that are found within the family of the worshipping community.

Sending Hymn: Our sending hymn is another centered around the Holy Spirit, “As the Wind Song”; the composer from Singapore, the lyricist from New Zealand.

Benediction: “Go to the World!” is a hymn based on the Great Commission, and serves as a reminder of our charge as we leave worship.