Sunday, October 1, 2023

Joy and Suffering

Follow Along This Sunday


Hymn #611
Hymn #508
Communion Liturgy
Hymn #628
Hymn #536

Sermon Notes

By Jeff Gilstrap

Philippians 1:12-18

Suffering is never easy and we as followers are not immune to suffering. Paul reminds us that even during suffering we can seek joy because God is with us in our suffering. God is our hope during our times of darkness.


Paul is imprisoned because of his love for Christ. Paul has been beaten, chained, and imprisoned because of his unfailing commitment to preach the Gospel. But Paul is not defeated. He continues to seek hope and joy because he believes his work will be a witness to the world. He states he is happy. Hard to believe that anyone that has faced this kind of persecution and suffering could be happy. What a great witness to Christ.

We all have and will suffer. Just because we are Christians, we are not immune to the trials and tribulations of life. Our hearts will be broken through the unexpected loss of a loved one. We will struggle with illness and setbacks. We may face financial struggles. Whatever the struggles, Paul’s witness and call to us is to maintain our faith in Christ and be hopeful and filled with joy because we worship a God that will not abandon us and will work to redeem our situation. It is difficult to see any good or any future when we are in the midst of our struggle. It can be all consuming. But do not give up hope because God is with you and will work to reveal a new future. The struggle for us is that sometimes that new future is not what we want. But trust in God, hope in what God can do, and seek joy.


1. Why is Paul so happy and hopeful?
2. Why is it so hard to maintain hope and faith when live beats us down?
3. Remember some situation from your past that was not pleasant? How did God intervene? Did it work out the way you wanted? If not, did it work out for the best?

Music Notes

By Kenneth Jones


Introit: “When the Poor Ones” draws from the parable revealing Christ’s prescence in “the least of these”. We sing the third verse which begins, “When our joy fills our cup to overflowing”.

Opening Hymn: When thinking about the theme of joy, “Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee” came quickly to mind, especially since “Ode to Joy” was the answer to one of our trivia questions recently.

Special Music: I will be singing special music this week. As it turns out, I am very short of Altos this week. But I haven’t deccided what I’m singing yet, so it will just have to be a surprise.

Communion Hymn: 2023’s “Come to the Table”

Sending Hymn: “Praise, I Will Praise You Lord”, a relatively modern hymn that I like a lot. Refrain for each verse ends with “in you I will find the source of all my joy. Alleluia!”

Benediction: Our Benediction hymn for October is “Rise, O Church, Like Christ Arisen”.