Sunday, October 13, 2024

My Heart Exalts in the Lord

Follow Along This Sunday


Hymn #307
Hymn #659
Hymn #100
Hymn #67
Hymn #745

Sermon Notes

By Rev. AJ Ochart

1 Samuel 1:9-11, 19-20; 2:1-10

The story this week is set hundreds of years after the events of Exodus. The Hebrew people have come back to the land of Canaan, and are relatively established (despite ongoing struggles with other tribes). When there is need, God raises wise leaders (called Judges) to defend the people, and lead them in righteousness (some better than others). However, the people do what is right in their own eyes. The scrolls of Samuel tell the story of the first kings of Israel, and begins with a barren woman named Hannah. Hannah is unable to bear children, but her sister-wife has several. God grants her fervent wish, and she bears a son, Samuel, who will be the last Judge and one of the first prophets, and who will one day anoint multiple kings. Hannah is so overwhelmed by the God who would listen to her request that she sings a song of God’s justice. In this song she dreams of a world made right, a world where the poor and needy are raised up, and the haughty and self-righteous will be humbled. This song will later inspire another young woman with another very special child.

Questions for Reflection:

  • Why is it that some people are rich, and some are poor?
  • Have you ever wanted something so badly that you cried out to God?
  • Have you ever spontaneously broke into song because of something God did?

Music Notes

By Kenneth Jones


Twent-first Sunday after Pentecost

Introit: One hymn with reference to 1 Samuel 2, “Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee”; we sing the thrid verse as our Introit.

Opening Hymn: Our opening hymn comes from the suggestions for the Revised Common Lectionary, a stirring hymn that always catches my eye when I see it: “God of Grace and God of Glory”.

Transition Hymn: “Know That God Is Good”

Special Music: “Eternal Life”, by Craig Courtney, sung by the Chancel Choir

Responsive Hymn: For our responsive hymn, a paraphrase of the later song that was inspired by Hannah’s song. “My Soul Cries Out with a Joyful Shout”.

Sending Hymn: A paraphrase of another song, Psalm 89, focusing on the sovereignty of God.

Benediction: “Now Go in Joy”.