Sunday, October 22, 2023
Getting Real With God and Ourselves
Hymn #305
Hymn #503
Hymn #770
Hymn #536
Sermon Notes
By Jeff Gilstrap
Matthew 22:1-14Theme:
Jesus invites us all to be a part of the great celebration called God’s Kingdom. But this invitation comes with responsibility to follow and act the Jesus way. We are called to wear the proper attire by clothing ourselves with love, kindness, mercy and justice.
Jesus has entered Jerusalem for the Passover Feast for the last time. He has gone to the Temple and turned over the tables of the money changers. And now, we find Jesus has returned to the Temple to dialogue with the Chief Priests and Elders, the Temple authorities. Our parable today is the last of three parables Jesus uses to teach and confront the Temple leaders.
The parable is surprising and confusing in many ways. On one hand it tells a story of inclusion but ends with exclusion. The story of Jesus welcoming all makes us feel good and hopeful but the removal of the improperly dressed guest makes us feel uncomfortable. This does not seem to fit the Jesus way. But often Jesus uses hyperbole to make a point.
This parable conveys several points:
- Israel is the chosen people that have continued to reject God. They are the ones that are invited to the wedding feast but reject the invitation.
- Since Israel has rejected God, God has now opened salvation to people outside the chosen lineage, the Gentiles.
- God extends grace to all through the invitation.
- But acceptance of the invitation comes with responsibility.
God through Jesus has extended an invitation to us all to be a part of God’s new Kingdom. Some accept and others do not. But for those who accept, there is an expectation that we conform our lives to embrace the way of Jesus and treat people as Jesus would treat people with grace, compassion, welcome and justice. Our lives must be shaped by the way of Jesus. We must in a sense wear the proper attire to be a part of God’s great celebration called God’s Kingdom.
- What were your emotions after reading this parable? Was the under-dressed guest treated fairly?
- Jesus’ invitation is open to all? Why do you think some accept and some do not?
- How does Jesus want us to dress to be a part of the Kingdom?
- What are some tangible ways to embrace the Jesus way of life?
Music Notes
By Kenneth Jones
Introit: Loosely, the theme is about “invitation”. We begin with the first verse of Jesus Call Us.
Opening Hymn: One of the suggested hymns for the week, the very next in the hymnal from the one we sang last week; “Come Sing, O Church in Joy!”
Special Music: The Chancel Choir will sing “Lead Me Home”, arranged by Joel Raney, which includes the “invitation’ hymn “Softly and Tenderly”
Responsive Hymn: Listed as a communion hymn, “Lord, We Have Come at You Own Invitation” is one of two hymns based on our scripture reference.
Sending Hymn: The other hymn referencing our scripture, an African-American spritual, about the invitation to the table; “I’m Gonna Sit at the Welcome Table”.
Benediction: Fourth verse of our October benediction, “Rise, O Church, Like Christ Arisen.”