Sunday, September 15, 2024

Shoot for the Stars

Follow Along This Sunday


Hymn #50
Hymn #614
Hymn #490
Hymn #722
Hymn #313

Sermon Notes

By Rev. AJ Ochart

Genesis 15:1-6


Humanity was created to be in right relationship, but the brokenness of one generation was compounded by the next. Eventually humanity became so tainted by violence that God and creation itself rose against them in a Great Flood. Only Noah was found righteous, and he, his family, and some of the animals were preserved. Humanity began again, but still lacked a righteousness with God, one another, and the created world.

God called a man named Abram and his wife Sarai (later to be known as Abraham and Sarah) to be the start of a new and chosen people, a people through which God could bless all of the families of the earth. God called Abram to leave the land of Hebron, and go to a new land, Canaan. God promised to make Abram rich and famous, and the father of a great nation. The problem was that Sarai and Abram did not have any children, Sarai was barren, and both of them were in their seventies at the time. Despite the impossibility of these promises, Abram, Sarai, and Abram’s nephew Lot pack up to live as nomads in Canaan.

It is now many years later. Lot and Abram have separated from each other. Abram has gained wealth and notoriety, but Abram and Sarai still do not have any children. One day, Abram again hears the voice of God…

Questions for Reflection:

-What are some of the promises that God has given to you? To what have you been called?

-When have you found it difficult to believe in the blessings or call of God?

-What is the difference between God’s timing and your own? When have you seen that difference most clearly?

-In what ways does your life connect with that of Sarai and Abram, what emotions does this story bring up for you?

-What does it mean to be a chosen (or elect) people? What are the benefits and challenges? What are the boundaries to this election?

Music Notes

By Kenneth Jones


Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost

Introit: There are two hymns which show any reference to Genesis 15, and only to verse 1. One is a Christmas carol, and in the other the reference is very minor. But I had not come across “Touch the Earth Lightly” previously, and liked the tune, so we are using it for our Introit.

Opening Hymn: God said “So shall your descendants be”. From the footnotes of  “Deep in the Shadows of the Past”; “This vivid text reminds us of  two truths we often forget: how deeply our faith is rooted in God’s enduring covenant with the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and how much we can learn from their story.”

Transition Hymn: September’s transition hymn is “Great Are You, Lord”

Special Music: Chancel Choir, “My Shepherd Will Supply My Need”, arranged by Mack Wilberg.

Baptism Preparation: For our regular ‘Remembrance of Baptism’, we sing “Wash, O God, Your Sons and Daughters”.

Sending Hymn: Since my scripture reference options were limited, I drew from the suggested hymns for the Revised Common Lecitonary: “Lord, Speak to Me That I May Speak”.

Benediction: “Lord, Make Us More Holy”, verse 3.