Fellowship & Connection
We realize the importance of fellowship and connection within the church ministry. At St. Andrews, we work to provide opportunities for all members to gather regardless of age. We offer regular small group gatherings and weekday events for adults and youth. We also offer seasonal trips for families to attend together.
Explore the various ways to get involved below, and be sure to follow the Event Calendar for specifics.

Our Ministries

Chancel Choir
Our choir practices weekly on Wednesday night in preparation for leading Sunday morning worship. Contact the church office if you’re interested in joining!

Small Groups
We have multiple small groups for adults. Most meet on Sunday mornings before the worship service. Contact the church office to find the best group for you.

Every Wednesday hosted in the Fellowship Hall at 6:00 PM. See the menu and sign-up link here.

Presbyterian Women
Our Presbyterian Women gather at 10 AM on the 2nd Thursday of every month in the Fellowship Hall. All women are welcome to join this time of learning and fellowship.

Men’s Breakfast
All men are invited to breakfast before worship, typically on the 2nd Sunday of the month. You don’t want to miss Elder Phil’s famous breakfasts! Check the Events page for the exact schedule.

Children & Youth
We have several programs for young folks including nursery (birth-4), young children’s church (4 yr old – 2nd grade), and Bible Builds children’s church (2nd-6th grade).

Family Retreats
Stay tuned for an update about out next family retreat, which will be open to anyone. Sign-up information will be available soon.
Connect With Us
If you’re interested in being a part of any of our ministries, reach out and we will get you connected.