Sunday, August 13, 2023

Get Out of the Boat

Follow Along This Sunday


Hymn #463
Hymn #185
Hymn #684
Hymn #549

Sermon Notes

By Jeff Gilstrap

Matthew 14:22-33

Jesus is calling us to step out of the boat and to join Jesus in the chaos of the storm. This step requires faith and comes with risk. But we can make this step because we know Jesus is waiting to save us when we fail.


The disciples find themselves in the middle of the Sea of Galilee in the midst of a storm that is powerful enough to threaten their lives. It is dark, they are disoriented, and they do not know where to go. Jesus came to them, but they did not recognize him at first until he commanded them to not be afraid. Peter at the call of Jesus, steps out of the boat and onto the water. He walks toward Jesus until he looks down and sees the chaos of the water and waves created by the strong winds. It was at this point Peter sunk into water and cried out for Jesus to save him. Jesus reached down and pulled Peter to safety.

Even though the disciples were afraid, they were safe in the boat. Peter makes a decision to step out of the safety of his boat to join Jesus in the chaos of the storm. Peter’s faith kept him safe even in the midst of a terrifying storm as he walked on the water. But it was not until Peter looked down into the chaos and took his eyes off of Jesus, that he began to sink and fear took over.

Jesus is not in the boat. Jesus is out in the chaos of life and as followers, we are called to join Jesus in the chaos of life. To step out of the boat requires faith and to take risks. Risk, faith, and fear go hand in hand and are common emotions when we hear Jesus’ call to get out of the boat. Peter took a risk and stepped out of the boat. His faith kept him walking on the water. But when he realized where he was, fear overcame his faith and he sunk deep into the chaos. Jesus calls us out of the boat, and which requires faith to manage our risk and fear. We cannot remain in our safe place as followers. We have to go where Jesus goes and it is there where we do our greatest work for the Kingdom.


1. Have you ever had a time where fear overcame your faith?
2. We often find ourselves in the chaos of life. When we focus on the chaos more than Jesus, what happens?
3. How can you step out of the safety of life to follow Jesus? What does this look like in real tangible ways?

Music Notes

By Kenneth Jones


Introit: Though it lists our scripture as reference, “Calm to the Waves” is really taken from the other storm story told in bot Mark and Luke. But this short refrain text, loosely related, makes for a good introit.

Opening Hymn: Our opening hymn, “How Firm a Foundation”, is also loosely correlated to our scripture. Verses 2 and 3 are where you will find the related imagery.

Special Music: Beverly Burry will be singing for us this week; “Peace in Christ”, words and music by Nik Day.

Responsive Hymn: As a response, we sing again a hymn we have sung recently: “Faith Begins By Letting Go”. With this week’s scripture in mind, the opening lines of the first two verse made me think of Peter in the story. “Faith begins by letting go..” of the boat; “Faith begins by holding on..” to Jesus.

Sending Hymn: A suggested hymn for the liturgy, “O God, Show Mercy to Us” is a parapharase of Psalm 67 and combines several themes prayer, for blessing, for all to acknowledge God, and thanksgiving for harvest.

Benediction: For the month of August we will sing “May the Love of the Lord”, an English translation of the Aaronic blessing from Numbers 6:24-26.