Sunday, June 16, 2024

A Brief Introduction

Follow Along This Sunday


Hymn #4
Hymn #628
Hymn #726
Hymn #301
Hymn #539

Sermon Notes

By Rev. AJ Ochart

Isaiah 6:1-13; Luke 4:16-30

In Isaiah chapter 6, the prophet tells the story of a vision he had in the Heavenly Temple, and God’s call on him. Isaiah was called to preach to Jerusalem and his people during a particularly challenging time in Judah’s history. Luke 4 tells of Jesus’ first sermon in his hometown of Galilee, preaching from the scroll of Isaiah, and the various responses he received. Rev. AJ Ochart, the new pastor, shares his own (significantly less dramatic) call to ministry, and a bit about himself, in his first sermon at St. Andrews Presbyterian Church. Join us in considering the call of Isaiah, Jesus, and AJ, as you consider your own call to ministry.

Questions for Reflection:
  • How have you been ‘called’ by God?
  • What skills, gifts, and passions do you have?
    • How have they been (or could they be) used for the glory of God?
  • What weaknesses, uniqueness, or challenges do you have?
    • How have they been (or could they be) used for the glory of God as well?

Music Notes

By Kenneth Jones


Fourth Sunday after Pentecost

Introit: The title gives it away, that “Heaven Opened to Isaiah” is taken from our Old Testament scripture; the first stanza is from verse 1-3. The refrain repeats the words of the seraphs.

Opening Hymn: After our Call to Worship, which is based on the Isaiah scripture, we sing “Holy God, We Praise Your Name”, which takes verses 2 and 3 as one of several references. The roots of this hymn date back to the Latin “Te Deum”, meaning this hymn has been sung. in some form, by Christians for 1500 years.

Transition Hymn: Continuing through the rest of June, we will sing the first verse of  “Praise, I Will Praise You Lord” as our Transition Hymn.

Special Music: In honor of AJ’s first Sunday with us, the Chancel Choir will sing “My Shepherd Will Supply My Need”, arranged by Mack Wilberg; presented in gratitidue for God’s provision to the body of Christ at St. Andrews.

Responsive Hymn: “Will You Come and Follow Me” reflects on our individual call as Christians. The first four verse are understood to be in the voice of Christ, with the fifth the individual singer’s response.

Sending Hymn: While our response hymn focused on our individual call, this hymn reflects on our call as a church community. The footnotes to “Let Us Build a House” express this most eloquently: “The building is at best only a vessel for the essential love and hope, life and faith, peace and justice, hospitality and nurture that form the worshipping community.” I can think of no better day than a new beginning with a new pastor to sing this as re-committment to be the church we are called to be.

Benediction: Having finished up with the verses of “Go to the World!”, for the next few weeks we will sing “We Will Go Out with Joy”. We have great reason to be joyous as we welcome AJ and his family!