Sunday, January 21, 2024

Is There Room for Procrastination

Follow Along This Sunday


Hymn #170
Hymn #627
Hymn #751
Hymn #170
Hymn #541

Sermon Notes

By Rev. Preston Shealy

1 Corinthians 7:29-31, Mark 1:14-20

Jesus called his early disciples and they “immediately” left what they were doing and followed Jesus… having no idea of what they were getting into.  Jesus makes the same call to us, yet we often procrastinate in responding (and we know about the saving grace in Jesus). We need to commit to following Jesus in all we do beginning today!

Music Notes

By Kenneth Jones


Introit: For the first part of the service, we focus on the scripture from Psalms. The refrain of “For You, O Lord, My Soul in Silence Waits” is a paraphrase of Psalms 62:5. We sing the sixth verse, which reads to me as acknowledging God’s presence as we gather for worship.

Opening Hymn: “In Silence My Soul Thirsts” is a paraphrase of Psalms 62 as well. The refrain repeats the words of God’s steadfast love from verse 6-8, “God is my rock; God is my strength;…”

Transition Hymn: “I Love You, Lord”.

Special Music: “Lead Me Home”, arr. by Joel Raney.

Responsive Hymn: The next two hymn focus on our reading from the Gospel of Mark. “From the Nets of Our Labor” evokes the call of the disciples while also describing the circumstances of our daily to which Jesus still summons us to respond.

Sending Hymn:”You Walk Along Our Shoreline” combines the call of the disciples with a reminder that we are called to bear witness in community.

Benediction: Third verse of our selection for January, “God Be With Us Till We Meet Again”.