Sunday, January 28, 2024

God Is Calling

Follow Along This Sunday


Hymn #652
Hymn #627
Hymn #410
Hymn #620
Hymn #541

Sermon Notes

By Rev. Preston Shealy

Psalm 111, Jonah 2:10 - 4:1

God calls Jonah to go to Ninevah, but Jonah takes off in the opposite direction and ends up in the belly of a whale (or big fish). We all have run from God’s call at some point in our lives. We are called to remember that, like Jonah, we never face life alone. God is always with us in worship and as we go out into the world… strengthening us as we seek to share God’s grace with the world.

Music Notes

By Kenneth Jones


Introit: The text of our Introit offers an alternative perspective on Trinitarian theology, and alludes to the final verse of Psalm 111, “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. We sing the first verse of “Come and Seek the Ways of Wisdom”.

Opening Hymn: A hymn of thanksgiving, which is a paraphrase of Psalms 111, “A Grateful Heart”.

Transition Hymn: “I Love You, Lord”.

Special Music: The choir presents “You Are Mine”, words and Music by David Haas, arr. Mark Hayes.

Responsive Hymn: Our hymnal doesn’t have any selections that specifically reference the scripture from Jonah. We sing, instead, a hymn refferencing the general theme of “God Is Calling“. The hymn “God Is Calling Through the Whisper” reminds us of the many different ways God calls to us, both to bring us near and to send us out.

Sending Hymn: A hymn of adoration, “Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven”, with a reference to Psalms 111:10, gains conviction with the double ‘alleluia’ before the last line of text in eachn verse.

Benediction: Final verse of our selection for January, “God Be With Us Till We Meet Again”.